Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

E recently discovered Laughing Cow cheese. He saw it in Trader Joes one day and decided it looked fun. When he saw that a classmate had it in her lunch yesterday, he wanted it in his lunch today. (Although not with a little wheat bagel, which is what he has been spreading it on. He wanted the "little round crackers with ridges on the edges" that his classmate had so we had to grab some at Whole Foods. So many not EXACTLY the crackers his classmate had but he'll never know that!)

I'm realizing now, looking at this photo, that I should have added some fruit. Oy. 

Ok, here's today's easy-to-prepare-but-missing-the-fruit lunch:

• hummus
• celery and carrots for dipping
• Laughing Cow cheese
• little round crackers with ridges on the edges
• water
• morning snack: water, mixed fruit cereal bar

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