Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday, December 10

I'm going to call today's lunch the LIAR'S SPECIAL, in honor of Senator Scott Brown, who said he would support a repeal of Don't Ask/Don't Tell (he even sent me an e-mail message last night saying he supported the repeal), but then last night was one of the final votes that crushed the repeal. SNAKE and a LIAR.

Ok. Liar's Special:

• Egg-axtly The Opposite of What I Said I Was Going to Do Animal-Shaped Egg
• I've Made Everyone Blue Berries
• Pesto TorteLIE-nini
Red-Faced Lie Tomatoes

(Close-up, although the smaller photo is actually better, I think. It's a cheap little camera and I'm taking the photos at 6:30 a.m. in my fairly dark kitchen.)

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