Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, November 16

Today I gave in and put a sweet thing in E's lunch. Not that I'm against sweet stuff, or desserts in general, but he's been so distracted during lunch that he's not eating as well as he should. The teachers told me that it happens to all of the kindergarten kids, especially the chatty ones like E. With only 20 minutes for lunch -- 15, actually, once they sit down and get settled -- I suppose it would be hard for anyone to focus. Add to this the fact that E has become buddy-buddy with a group of fifth-graders (the fifth-graders and kindergarten kids eat lunch at the same time) and when he sits with them, he REALLY can't be bothered with lunch.

So I've been withholding dessert. But I caved this morning. We'll see....

• tortellini and ravioli
• dark kidney beans (yum!)
• bread with soy butter
• Annie's bunny fruit snacks
• water
• morning snack: water, fresh blueberries and raspberries

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