Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 9

And the week continues. Yesterday, E didn't eat as much of the lunch as I expected. When I asked why, he told me he had to use the bathroom during lunch but couldn't get the teacher's attention so he was too distracted to eat. :-( Should I ask the teacher about this? Should I just assume these things happen?

On that note...

today's lunch is:

• black bean roll-ups on wheat tortillas **
• edemame
• brown rice with soy butter
• clementine
• tortilla chips
• water
• morning snack: strawberries and a soymilk box

** Super easy. All I do is smash canned black beans in a bowl with a pinch of salt and a little oil to make it creamy. For myself I would also add garlic, maybe some cumin. You could toss in diced tomatoes, lettuce, thin cucumber slices?

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